"There's a way to do it better – find it." Thomas Edison

  1. There are way too many characters to fill in, and if it has singing, then its gonna be impossible unless you can perfectly shoot the music video with the right soundtrack instead of lamely typing the entire song. (Yea, I’m talking about all you people who are so desperate to try and do Frozen… How would Idina Menzel put this? Um…LET IT GO!)
  2. Costuming. Getting the costumes just right can be really hard. If you are trying to do an elusive fantasy genre, then good luck to that. There aren’t any good monster costumes or fairy outfits on Fantage.
  3. Lines. We all know you can’t say a lot of things on Fantage. So how are you going to copy a movie if your cast can’t even say the words: Like, Sleep, or even Bed????

These are some reasons why people should just stick to basic tryouts and not get specific. I got this idea from all of those people trying to do Frozen. Yea, tell me again how Olaf is gonna work, how you are gonna do all the songs, and get enough characters? I mean there are like ten rock people too.


Comments on: "Why Movie Tryouts Can’t Be Specific" (1)

  1. Lol rock people

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